import os, sys, random, math #Open file of data OutputFile = "Excel" #Create the probability distro with the given number of bins NumBins = 20 fileNames = [''] # Remove file name to see different gaussian distributions SuppressOutput = False # True = show different diagnostic output ############################# # Create a gaussian random number def gauss(sigma): return sigma*math.sqrt(-2*math.log(random.random()))*math.sin(6.283185307*random.random()) data = {} lengths = {} i = 0 if len(fileNames) != 0: for x in fileNames: f = open(x, "r") data[i] = f.readlines() lengths[i] = float(len(data[i])) f.close() i = i + 1 else: while (i < 3): sigma = random.random() offset = random.random()*5 arr = [] j = 0 while (j < 10000): arr.append(gauss(sigma)+offset) j = j + 1 data[i] = arr lengths[i] = float(len(arr)) i = i + 1 #Convert the data to floats vect = [] tempData = {} for y in data: temp = [] for x in data[y]: vect.append(float(x)) temp.append(float(x)) tempData[y] = temp data = tempData #Find the max and min of the data Top = max(vect) Bot = min(vect) NumBins = float(NumBins) # Divide the range between top and bot into the num bins Delta = (Top - Bot) / NumBins if not SuppressOutput: print("Found ", len(data), " different time series") print("There are ", len(vect), " points total") print("Max of data: ", Top, "\nMin of data: ", Bot, "\n") print("Starting to Bin Data") # Create a range vector Range = [] Counts = [] i = Bot while (i < Top): Range.append(i) count = {} for y in data: count[y] = 0 Counts.append(count) i = i + Delta # Put the data into the range for y in data: for x in data[y]: # Find where this data point should be i = 0 flag = True while (i < len(Range)-1 and flag): if (x >= Range[i] and x < Range[i+1]): flag = False else: i = i + 1 #print(i) Counts[i][y] = Counts[i][y] + 1 #Create Excel file by first creating an html file with a table #then read the html file and convert it to excel (it is just easier to do) if not SuppressOutput: print("Finised Binning the Data") print("Starting to create the Excel Sheet") html = "" i = 0 while (i < len(Counts)): html += "" for y in data: html += "" html += "" i = i + 1 html += "
" + str(Range[i]) + "" + str(Counts[i][y] / lengths[y]) + "
" f = open(OutputFile + ".html", "w") #Store data as temporary html file f.write(html) f.close() f = open(OutputFile + ".html", "r") f2 = open(OutputFile + ".xls", "w") f2.write(str(f.readlines()[0])) f2.close() if not SuppressOutput: print("Completed Excel File") f.close() os.remove(OutputFile + ".html") # Remove temporary file