The following short Python 2.7 script creates an export of all the stored procedures and functions within a SQL Server database. This will export each procedure as a CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement. The code uses PyODBC to connect to the installation of SQL Server.
import pyodbc, time
# Database configuration
dbServer = "" # The database server to connect to
db = "" # The database to connect to
uid = "" # The user
pwd = "" # The password
connString = """
driver={SQL Server};
server=""" + dbServer + """;
database=""" + db + """;
user id=""" + uid + """;
password=""" + pwd + """;
dateStr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
fileName = dbServer + "-" + db + "-" + dateStr + "-procedures.sql"
# i.e. TESTSERVER-TESTDB-2014-08-19-procedures.sql
# Connect to the database
conn = pyodbc.connect(connString)
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Export a stored procedure using its name and connected cursor
# @param string name: The name of the procedure to export
# @return string
def exportProcedure(name):
sql = "EXEC sp_helptext N'" + name + "';"
rows1 = cursor.fetchall()
content = ""
for r in rows1:
content += r.Text.strip() + "\n"
return content
sysobjects contains different types of objects
-- P is a procedure
-- If the type contains F then it is a function
-- V is a view
-- U is a table
category = 0 indicates it is user-created
# Get a list of system objects sorted by views, tables, procedures, and functions created by the user
content = ""
sql = "SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE (type LIKE '%F%' OR type = 'V' OR type = 'U' OR type='P') AND category = 0 ORDER BY type DESC, name"
rows = cursor.fetchall()
# Export each of the stored procedures and functions
for r in rows:
if r.type.strip() == "P" or "F" in r.type.strip():
content += exportProcedure( + "\n\n"
# Write out the content
f = open(fileName, "w")