Run Angular 18 Karma Unit Tests in Docker

I have been working on a frontend library using Ionic 8 and Angular v18 and wanted to set up Karma Unit Tests. One issue I ran into was getting the tests to run locally and, later, in a Docker container in a CI/CD pipeline so I put together a GitHub Repository as an example. This details the updates I made from a base Angular app.

Angular App Configuration

If you have an existing Angular app or just ran `$ ng new <project>`, you can run `$ ng generate config karma` to generate a karma.conf.js file and an updated angular.json.

You will need to add the following block to enable a ChromeHeadless browser to run the Karma Unit Tests packaged with the app. ChromeHeadless is necessary for a CI/CD but optional if you want to run the unit tests outside of a Docker container.

In karma.conf.js, add:

browsers: ['ChromeHeadlessNoSandbox'],
customLaunchers: {
  ChromeHeadlessNoSandbox: {
    base: 'ChromeHeadless',
    flags: ['--no-sandbox']

I personally ran into issues using ChromeHeadless without the “–no-sandbox” flag which is why I had to add the karma.conf.js file and the Custom Launcher in the first place.

In angular.json, add the following under “tests” > “options” to give you a barebones output for CI/CD. In my case, I still wanted Code Coverage when I run this locally but codeCoverage could be considered optional.

"progress": false,
"watch": false,
"codeCoverage": true

A summary of these changes can be found in this pull request.

From here, you should be able to run these tests locally using `$ ng test`.

Fixing ChromesHeadless error

If you’re like me, you ran into a “Cannot start ChromeHeadless” error during testing. This happens if you don’t have Chrome installed such as in a Docker container. This requires you to download and install it:

apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Note: This is for installation in Linux inside of a Docker Container. You could also just download Chrome from their website.

Now, you should be able to run these tests locally using `$ ng test` without any problems.

Setting up a Docker container for CI/CD

After getting the tests to run locally and inside of a Docker container, I wanted to setup a Docker container to run these tests automatically on GitHub and Gitlab. You can use the dockerfile from the GitHub Repository to build the container and run the tests with `$ docker build -t angular-docker .; docker container run angular-docker ng test`

Just a note, from my really quick research, it looks like you do need to build or rebuild the container each time you make a change to the app or unit test code. You could also try setting up a continuously running container to make the tests run a bit faster.

In the GitHub Repository, I’ve also included basic scripts for a Github Actions Workflow and Gitlab CI Pipeline that should run those tests during each pull/merge request.

As part of your own CI/CD, you are welcome to use the adammaus/run-angular18-karma-in-docker Docker container but the repo’s dockerfile contains all the instructions used for that container.

That Docker container happens to contain a copy of the app and one of the coolest things I learned, and perhaps I’m a Docker noob, but you can run the following command to run those unit tests for the app straight from DockerHub! Kinda cool! `$ docker container run adammaus/run-angular18-karma-in-docker ng test`

I hope this helps get you off to a running start with unit testing a Angular app in a Docker container!


