Basic Traefik proxy server setup

Recently, I came across a tool called Traefik. Traefik is a tool that takes care of routing HTTP requests to different Docker containers running on a server. This let’s you focus more on your containers and projects and less on server maintenance.

The basic setup I had in mind was to have two domains living on a single server powered by Docker containers running my code. A real world example might be running a Single Page Application website as well as the backend API. I also wanted to make sure that LetsEncrypt certificates were enabled out of the box.

I won’t waste your time by going over the entire setup process since it is described in this Github repo but the repo will provide the scripts and instructions for a very basic server setup with two domains running in two different Docker containers.

After going through the server provisioning and setup process, you should see something like this:

Domain 1: Codenamed Alice

Domain 2: Codenamed Bob

I will say that I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to set up. The server running Traefik and Docker is extremely light, as you can see in This means server updates should be minimal and we could easily tear down and spin up a new server as needed. I hope you find the instructions helpful!


