Service-Action-Objects: A cross-platform method for logging interactions in digital systems

Are you interested in tracking usage across apps and websites? Then this might be the system for you.

Abstract: With the diversity of digital platforms available nowadays, capturing, integrating, and analyzing user interactions across multiple platforms in a uniform way is critical for determining the overall system’s success. We present recommendations for a cross-platform system for logging interaction data. The ideal logging system should be: expressive, customizable and future-ready, structured and consistent, developer-friendly, unobtrusive, and easy-to-interpret and convey to others. Based on these recommendations we propose Service-Action-Objects, an approach that captures interaction data on each platform as events in the form of a Service, a distinct feature such as a “blog,” an Action, an action that a user has performed within the service such as “wrote an article,” and Objects, an object or set of objects being acted on by the user such as the identifier of the blog article written. We discuss the strengths and limitations of this approach and present examples.

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