Author: Adam
Cross Correlation in 9 lines of code
One of the easiest ways to perform Cross-Correlation with Python is with the NumPy package.
Handling Default Values in Form Elements (with Javascript)
You can add some fancy Javascript functionality to your forms by handling how form elements behave when a user focuses and blurs focus on different elements.
Email Parser
A form and downloadable script that parses the emails from a list of email addresses and names (or any text actually).
Python Probability Distribution Program
A python script that creates a probability distribution for a list of time series files.
Lyapunov Spectrum for Invertible Maps
Python code to calculate the Lyapunov Spectrum for maps using the method proposed by Wolf et al. involving Gram-Schmidt reorthonormalization.
Creating a Drupal-like update system
During a recent project I was working on, I came across a problem which involves easily updating a web application and its database from a customer standpoint. I have rarely worked on a system that is used by others and requires an update path so this presented a unique opportunity to learn how one could…
GPS Distances
A wrapper program that calculates distances from GPS coordinates in two files.
FTP Download Script
A very basic python script that downloads a website’s contents (via FTP).
Valid Area Codes for the US
A javascript array of valid area codes in the US and outlying territories taken from var areacodes = Array(205, 251, 256, 334, 659, 938,907, 250,480, 520, 602, 623, 928,327, 479, 501, 870,209, 213, 310, 323, 341, 369, 408, 415, 424, 442, 510, 530, 559, 562, 619, 626, 627, 628, 650, 657, 661, 669, 707, 714,…
Tag That
Tag anything using a Google Suggest-like drop-down box Check out the demo Download: Tag That in PHP Tag That in