Author: Adam
GET/POST to a URL in Python
A relatively simple and straightforward way to post information to a server using Python
Modelling Sensitivity using Neural Networks
Artificial neural networks can be applied to the delayed Henon map and shown to replicate the sensitivities of the map surprisingly well.
Inverted Delayed Henon Map
Inverting the delayed Henon map yields a repellor whose sensitivities can be explored.
Delayed Henon Map Sensitivities
Partial derivatives can be used to explore how sensitive the output of a function is to perturbations in each of the time lags.
Estimate Henon Map’s Largest Lyapunov Exponent in C
I have been experimenting with C since I have not had as much exposure to the language since college and I recently built a computer with a CUDA-enabled graphics card that I hope to use for my research.